Have you checked out the new WiFi cell phones yet? If not, you are missing out on the most advanced way to save money in the modern world. Anyone who depends on a cell phone to receive important calls or would like to make more calls without racking up hundreds of extra dollars on their monthly bill should consider the following reasons that having a WiFi enabled phone is invaluable.
Save Minutes
Does your plan have limited number of minutes that you can actually talk each month? Or, are you tired of paying the high bill to get those unlimited minutes? If you have a WiFi phone, you will use considerably less minutes each month. Whenever you are in a location that has WiFi connections, your phone will automatically connect into that system. Rather than using up your minutes with the cell phone company, you will be talking for free off the WiFi system.
In order to make this happen you will pay around extra on your bill each month, which is much cheaper than many unlimited plans. You could go to the cheapest plan your carrier offers and add the WiFi for a considerably lower bill.
Most businesses and homes are now equipped with WiFi, so the locations where you can connect into the system and save minutes continue to grow by the day.
Better Connection
Unfortunately, most cell phone users still spend too much of their time repeating that famous line from the commercials: can you hear me now? With a good WiFi connection, your connection will be crisp and clear because you are no not depending on the cell phone network. You can spend more of your time actually carrying on a conversation and less time worrying over lost calls.
As with all forms of newer technology, there are some kinks to using a WiFi phone. For starters, you will not always be in a location which has WiFi so there may still be some lost calls. You also have the extra expense of purchasing a router for your phone if you do not always have one.
Yet, these small drawbacks are more than worth the switch if you are routinely over your minutes or can no longer afford to pay for an unlimited minutes plan. The ability to run your cell phone off a wireless internet connection is a big step forward for technology and the WiFi cell phones are only going to get better with time.
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